Lorri Strickland, Director
The WISE Place
My name is Carrie, I am 32 years old and I graduate in 9 days. My time here at The WISE Place has been nothing but a long, hard, tough, but most of all a blessed ride. I got to WISE on November 26th 2017. Let me tell you I did NOT want to be here! I was physically, mentally, and spiritually sick. I came to WISE with many health issues: Hepatitis C, an infected Gall Bladder, Chronic Pancreatitis, Cirrhosis of the Liver, basically my liver was failing. Those are just some of the health issues I accumulated over all the years of my alcohol/drug use. A little background of what brougnt me to WISE. My mother passed away 08/06/2017 just 2 1/2 months before I came. It was the most and still is the most painful thing I've ever been through. I couldn't deal with the pain so I drank and drugged myself so much that I landed myself in the hospital in Critical Care 4 times back to back right after her passing away and the last time I was admitted I was in Critical Care and the doctor told me I wasn't going to make it. I have been in and out of jail and treatment centers for years and nothing had worked. I was so sick and broken, didn't think I would ever recover. The WISE Place (Tim & Lorri) took a chance with me and thank God they did. Since I have been at WISE I have had more blessings than I can count. First of all I have a relationship with my higher power, which I didn't have at all before, and even if I did that was taken away when my mother passed. Secondly I was able to get my infected gall bladder taken out(surgery with no pain pills) and was able to recover here., I got sponsored Hepatitis C medication and was able to do 12 weeks of treatment through my GI doctor at NO cost. I am Hep C free now so my liver isn't failing now that I don't have it anymore. My pancreas which use to flare up all the time from my Chronic Pancreatitis doesn't that much anymore because I also got medicine for my pancreas at no cost that helps digest my food and helps with the flare ups. *Mind you* the Hep C and Pancreas medication each are over $1,000.00 Per Pill if I was to just get them regularly without a sponsor. *God is Great* Also I have a relationship back with my father that I didn't have for years. My family on my mother's side talks to me now and wants me around. My daughter can't wait for me to get home. I am happy today I smile and laugh a lot. I am surrounded by amazing recovering people. Tim and Lorri def. Give you tough love(which is needed) and will love you until you love yourself. I am more than grateful for all the sponsors, counselors, girls, AA family andthe directors of Wise. I can honestly say I am excited about life today.
Women In Search of Empowerment
Is an understatement of all that I am now.
My name is Stacie and I am 45 years old. When I came here last June I was a very broken woman. I have suffered from a drug addiction for many years. Before I came her to The WISE Place I had literally lost everything. I went from having a career and being a productive member of society to being homeless with nothing to eat. I ended up with a felony conviction which landed me in jail many times over the last 3 years. The last time I got arrested I was sentenced to an intense treatment program and that's how I ended up a WISE. Today my life is full of hope! I have been clean and sober since January 3, 2018. I have relationships back with my children and family. I am no longer on probation and I have an amazing network of sober people in my life. The WISE Place gave me a chance when nobody else would and loved me when I couldn't love myself and because of that they saved my life!
From Stacie's father, Robert concerning his initial experience with Family Day.
Having attended The WISE Place Family day event on Sunday, 11/18, I feel compelled to put some of my thoughts on paper with regards to the enlightenment that I experienced as a family member of one of your residents, Stacie Griffith.
Traveling round trip from Gainesville, FL, it was a long day for sure. But, it was worth it in so many ways. First and foremost, I got a chance to see my oldest daughter. I hadn't actually seen her in many years. My youngest daughter, who was traveling with me got the chance to see her older sister. This meant a great deal to the both of us. But what was most important was seeing that Stacie has taken the initiative to be at The WISE Place and is making an effort to rehabilitate herself and become a functioning member of society.
We spoke at length about The WISE Place and how happy she was to be there. She looks and sounds better than I can recall in many, many years. It appears that she is focused and praises the staff as well as the other residents.
We are very encouraged and optimistic which is a very welcome feeling after so many years of disappointment and heartbreak. I don't pretend to know the ins and outs of addiction because I don't have a point of reference having never had a problem like that. So, I think it is important to put our faith in experts such as yourself in the hopes of a positive resolution. In the end, I also realize that positive resolution is up to Stacie to pursue and maintain.
As I spoke with Stacie, there were a few times that I nearly broke down. As a dad, I try to maintain a steadfast facade but sometimes that facade gets a bit shaky. I know that you know that feeling. I think back to when I was on the Police Department, I was in charge of the Burglary Unit and also the Hostage Negotiation Team. Therefore, I was on call 24/7. Calls at all hours of the day or night were the norm and I didn't think much of it. It wasn't until after I retired and issues with Stacie escalated that I began worrying and fearing that I would get a call in the middle of the night from someone with horrible news. With no normal resason to get a phone call at 3 a.m., you realize that any call at that time of night is going to be bad. That hit me hard. Certainly, as parents, we think that about any of our children but when one of them is at risk those worries intensify. When I think about the possibility, it shakes me to the core. So, as bad as it may sound, when word gets to you that your daughter has been arrested your first thought is "at least she is safer in jail than is on the street."
I very much appreciated the orientation of family members because it was to the point, understandable, and mostly importantly brought about the fact that we aren't the only family dealing with this type of problem. Some of what I knew, or should I say thought I knew was reinforced yet much of what your covered was somewhat new to me. Your would think that at my age and my background I would know better. But you put things in terms that we can understand and relate to. We are so grateful for you and your staff and hopeful that Stacie will stay the course and do whatever it takes to move forward successfully. It is obvious that there is strong support system in place to help achieve that goal.
The graduation ceremony for me was very emotional. And I was so happy for the girl who graduated as well as her family. It sounded as if she had one hell of a backstory. And her loved ones were so happy and grateful. As I looked around I don't think there was a dry eye in the building, including mine. It was very obvious how much the other girls cared for her and how they had bonded. The one thing that jumped out at me while listening to each of the girls and talking with Stacie during the day is that they aren't alone on the journey. You and your staff are the driving force but the girls have each other to lean on and to help each other get thru issues.
As a family member, I now recognize the importance of completing the program and continuing with support. I also now understand that as important as cleansing your body of the substance, it is equally or more impportant to rehabilitate your thought process and life choices.
I want so much to see my daughter stand on the stage and receive her graduation plaque. And I want so much to hear words of congratulations and praise given to her from her peers. I want that for HER, not me. But in the end, we all know that it is up to her and that we don't have a lot of control with that other than just encouragement. For us, our reward will be to see her happy, sober, and back to being the mother to her children, sister to her sisters, and daughter to her parents.
I enjoyed speaking with you on family day and I thank you again for all that you do, not just for my girl but for all the girls. We are so very grateful. I hope to see you again at another function or at the very least at Stacie's graduation.
My name is Kasey. When I first got to WISE I couldn't hardly put together a single sentence. I could barely make sense of my thoughts, so much less speak. I was completely spun on fear, lies, hurt-Broken-that was me and my faith was skewed.
This hasn't been easy. Week after week I looked at myself through my eyes, and couldn't shake off the person looking back. I didn't even want to look. I kept my feet moving through and began to see someone looking back, someone who desperately wanted to live, just barely hanging on change slowly began, but I kept it in my hands - on my terms - still reluctant and fearful to let go. I hit a breaking point one night-either me or God had to give, it seemed. Something incredible happened. I surrendered no matter what was going to happen with this decision. If I fought it-I wouldn't win. By myself-I won't make it. So, I let myself go-trusting the process completely and choosing to live. I chose my life to be guided by my loving God, to no longer be imprisoned by my addiction and my known lifestyle and to be a part of Truth. when I look in the mirror today-that sparkle is shining! I experience joy, calmness-my reality is softer, with light and determination to wake up everyday and be a part of this life. What I believe is a precious miracle, and honor that drives me! I smile, I laugh and I work my program I thank God, WISE, the girls here and my family for never giving up on me. Thank you so much!
Resident Director and Co-Owner Lorri Strickland with our 3 graduates on 10/27/2019. Look at the beautiful smiles on these ladies faces.